Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Theological Snack - Know God's Will

GET ON BOARD. train's leaving...now.

Today, I sat in one of my classes at DTS listening to my teacher speak through the book of Colossians, a book that is more often than not overshadowed by it's sister book (only because it covers many of the same topics and issues with the same approaches) EPHESIANS. I mean, let's be real...which do you hear a sermon from more, little old four chapter Colossians or BIG BAD ATTACK AND DOMINATE EVERYTHING EPHESIANS? As if the answer isn't obvious...

But, as I'm sure we would all admit, Colossians is a vital book (if for no other reason than the fact that it's included in our Scriptures, is God-breathed and inspired, yadda yadda) which tackles many tough questions about life's many mysteries. The one that struck me most today is one that EVERY God-fearing believer struggles with at one point or another, and one that I happen to be wrestling through at this very moment. How do we know God's will for our lives? How do I know what God wants for me after I graduate seminary in May? What is God's plan for our family? Where should I go to college? What job is in God's will for me? blah blah blah blah blah.

Such important questions that literally can change the course of our lives. And the problem is...the bigger the question, the more impact the choice has, and the harder it is to find a solution. So often we pray "Lord, what is your will for my life? Your will be done, not mine." Such a valid, Godly prayer. In fact, even Paul prays this prayer for the people of Colossae:

"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding..." (Col. 1:9)

Read the above verse, and we, as entitled Americans hear Paul praying "Lord, give the people in Colossae the knowledge of your will in everything they do." As Paul goes on, we learn, however, the the people of Colossae, the people of Dallas, Texas, the people of Uganda...already know God's will. We already have the answer to the question, "God, what is your will for my life?" The answer is in verse 10.

"So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord..." What is the will of the Lord? A worthy walk. Does God have specific plans for our lives and are those details played out in various decisions? Absolutely and unavoidably, YES. But the will of the Lord? That we live a worthy walk. So what does that look like? Well, go figure, Paul answers THAT question for us too! (he should be a writer...)

1. bearing fruit in every good work (vs. 10)
2. increasing in the knowledge of God (vs. 10)
-side note: see also Jeremiah 9:23, 24 which tells us not to boast in earthly wisdom, strength, etc., but to boast ONLY in knowing and understanding the Lord! What powerful words.
3. strengthened with power (not just any power...ALL power)(vs. 11)
4. giving thanks (vs. 12)

Something interesting about these four characteristics is that (take a deep breath...I'm no scholar on the Greek hooplah, so hang in there) they are all characterized by what is called "present participles". This basically means that the effects go on and on and on and on and on and on...you see where I'm going. When we are living a worthy walk, the evidence will never cease. It didn't stop at Paul's writing to Colossae, and it won't stop at the end of our lives, and it will continue on until Christ returns and His plan is fulfilled!

Tackling the questions and issues of life should literally fade when held up to the light of this passage. When we are seeking the Lord and His will, the fruit is in our life to prove it (not necessarily works, but the fruits of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23), we are increasing in our knowledge of God (not just wisdom, but true knowledge of who God is), we are strengthened in His power and we are giving THANKS to Him. These evidences show when we are inside His will. Does this plainly answer the question "what is God's will for me when I graduate?" Yes and no. No, it doesn't place a job and a plan in my lap, but it does pretty clearly lay out my next steps...trust...pray...seek knowledge of who God is...trust...pray...learn more about Him...trust...pray...When we are living a worthy walk, we are living God's will for our lives.

Praise the Lord that His plans are greater than ours, and that all we must do is seek Him and press into who He is. While the journey may not always be easy, we will never walk alone.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer Lessons via PICTURES

Sure, nutso banana sounds like a crazy ice cream sundae or something you would find in fried form at the Texas State Fair (which can't get here soon enough), but today it is description of the Montgomery Summer O Fun! Lessons from the summer are as follows:

1. If a piece of clothing cost less than $10.00 and the tag reads "dry clean only"...disregard said tag. Just wash it normally and hang dry. A $10.00 shirt is not worth the trip to the dry cleaner.

2. Even setting a goal like "RUN A HALF MARATHON AT THE END OF THE SUMMER" is not enough to make me want to run. The half marathon is in two weeks and I'm basically just excited for it to be OVER. I hate running. I will never be a runner. And I'm perfectly ok with this fact.

3. Texas is hotter than Africa. LITERALLY. The heat. never. endssssss. here. Not to mention, at least it RAINS in Africa. It doesn't do that in Texas.

4. People in NYC aren't that nice. But Wicked is the BEST. SHOW. EVER. And my sister and I are always good for a laugh.

5. However, asking said sister to take a picture of you holding the Statue of Liberty in your hand is just an opportunity to make you look like a dumbie.

6. Africans love harder than any people in the world. Even when they have been through trials that none of us can even imagine, they have overwhelming hope and joy in their Savior. The Lord doesn't need us to minister to them, but praise God that He allows us to be a part of His plan!

7. Also, brushing your teeth with a water bottle is not as easy as it looks. I think I had toothpaste on my chin everyday, all day.

With all of those lessons (I know, with only four months, how could have I fit 7 whole lessons into my brain without it exploding? amaze balls.), I still channeled my inner Chef this summer. I'm crazy for cooking now! So up next, I will provide for the world my own personal recipe of


I know it'll be hard, but try to contain your excitement and get some sleep between now and the next post...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

THE BIGGEST NEWS EVER...or until we have a baby


1. Spring break is just three days away (Cody doesn't get to be too excited about this, considering it means nothing to him).

2. In May, I'm going to New York! (Again, Cody doesn't get to be too excited about this, considering he doesn't get to go, and will keep working like normal.) My rockin' sister, Courtney and Dad are singing at Carnegie Hall (I know...that's pretty sweet), so I'm headed out to stay a little longer with Court and explore good ol' NYC. (cabs scare me. so do subways. we'll see how it goes.)

3. In June, Cody and I are going to UGANDA with our church to work with Village of Hope! It'll be a two week trip, and we start planning this Sunday with our team. We are so excited to see how God moves in us, through us, and in our marriage.

And the biggest news of all... (not due to importance, just due to shock value...)

4. In the midst of all of this, we are now OFFICIALLY training for a half marathon.
did you fall off of your seat?!
That's right. I, brittany montgomery, am training for a half marathon. The non-runner. The girl who hates running. I loathe it. I would rather pull each individual hair off of my head until nothing but my shiny noggin remains.
the race is through the happiest place on earth.

Over Labor Day weekend, Cody and I will be running 13.1 miles through Disneyland Park, Disney's California Adventure, Downtown Disney and Angel Stadium.

Allow this to sink in. Revel in the fact that this truly is as unbelievable as your gut is telling you.

May the force be with us.