will venture to go down into the pit,
remember that you – you who remain at home – must hold the ropes.”
Hello sweet family and friends-
What a year it has been! This time last year, Cody and I were just returning from our first adventure in Africa, having spent an amazing two weeks with ex-child soldiers/orphans in a small village in Uganda called the Village of Hope. The Lord did some incredible things through our time there, both in our hearts and lives as well as in the Village, and He has continued to do great work throughout this past year. In May, I graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with my Master's in Cross-Cultural ministries, and have been hired at our home church, Bent Tree Bible Fellowship, as part of the missions team there. Cody is continuing to thrive and grow in his work at Senior Care Centers as their Wellness Director, and the Lord has taught him some incredible things through his time there. We are in such a sweet and exciting place in our lives and in our marriage, and yet another adventure is about to take place.
In just a few days, I will be departing for a 3 week trip to Cambodia with a small team of 5 from our church. While there, we will work with World Relief Cambodia to serve the people of Cambodia through Bible studies, time together and an ESL/Photography class. This ESL class will be the first time we are utilizing the idea of teaching a skill (photography) in order to help the people better learn the English language. Additionally, with such a great desire for the story of Cambodia to be told, there is no one better than Cambodians themselves to tell of their country and story through pictures. We will be conducting two weeks of teaching with travel on either end, and much time with our dear friends at World Relief. Their efforts to share Christ with the people of Cambodia are incredible, and I am so humbled to serve alongside them for a short time this summer. To learn more about the history of Cambodia, World Relief Cambodia and the work they are doing, as well as ways to get involved, visit www.worldrelief.org/cambodia
While I'm gone, Cody will be leading the team from Bent Tree back to the Village of Hope this year. He will be taking a team of 11 to Uganda to continue relationships and work with the children and staff at the Village. Their focus this year with the kids will be emphasizing that they are God's Workmanship. As you may remember from last year, these are kids who have been greatly impacted by Joseph Kony and the LRA, many of them having been child soldiers in the rebel army. All of them, staff included, are continuing to feel the repercussions of Kony and his rebel forces sweeping through their country and their homes. The team's desire is to love on the kids and staff there, supply resources to the Village and teach ESL, computer training and science to the kids and various staff. To learn more about the amazing work that the Village of Hope is doing, or to get involved, please visit www.villageofhopeuganda.com
And so, sweet friends, would you join us in our efforts? We are in great need of prayer - daily, consistent, surrendering prayer before the One who holds our trips in His mighty hands. Join us in our travels, in our work, in our journey for the furthering of the Kingdom through your prayer; we desperately need it. While our exact agendas are somewhat unknown, below is a prayer calendar with simple requests for each day. If you would be willing to join us for this adventure, please pray as you feel led, using the calendar as a general guide. We are going with confidence and humility, grateful to be used by Him with the knowledge that He doesn't need us in order for His work to be accomplished. We believe that through prayer, you can be as much a part of our team as those we will travel with. Your faithful support means the world to us, and we are so grateful to serve with you.
If you would like more information on our trips or ways to get involved, feel free to email or call before we head out (my team and I depart on Thursday, July 5 and will return on Sunday, July 22; Cody and his team leave on Thursday July 12 and will return Tuesday July 24). Thank you so much for reading and praying. Overall, we pray that the people we encounter might not meet us, but Christ instead.
With hearts full of gratitude, and by His grace only,
Brittany and Cody
July 4: Pray for spiritual preparation for the journey ahead
July 5: Brittany leaves for Cambodia; pray for safe and easy travel
July 6: Brittany arrives in Cambodia; pray for safe travel and health
July 7: Pray for rest and easy adjustment to the culture
July 8: Pray for quick friendships to form with the Cambodian people
July 9: Pray for the ESL/Photography class to be communicated and received well
July 10: Pray for team unity
July 11: Brittany: Pray for rest and energy for the team;
Cody: pray for spiritual preparation for the journey ahead
July 12: Brittany: pray for spiritual growth of the team members as well as the Cambodian people;
Cody leaves for Uganda; pray for safe and easy travel
July 13: Brittany: pray for spiritual and physical endurance
Cody: pray for safe travel and physical and spiritual rest
July 14: Brittany: pray for open eyes to see the needs of the people
Cody arrives in Uganda; pray for quick friendships to form with the Ugandan people
July 15: Brittany: pray for special prayer times through the villages and with the Cambodian people
Cody: pray for opportunities to speak truth to the kids
July 16: Brittany: pray for good communication and receptive learners
Cody: pray for continued team unity and spiritual growth
July 17: Brittany: pray for opportunities to love people well
Cody: pray for the kids' understanding of being God's workmanship
July 18: Brittany: pray for growing friendships with the Cambodian people
Cody: pray for a vision for the future of the Village of Hope
July 19: Brittany: pray for the Holy Spirit's clear presence and guidance
Cody: pray for reliance on the Holy Spirit and for unbelievers to understand the Gospel
July 20:Brittany: pray for loving goodbyes as the team parts
Cody: pray for reliance on the Holy Spirit and for unbelievers to understand the Gospel
July 21: Brittany departs for DFW; Pray for safe and easy travel and spiritual rest
Cody: pray for continued opportunities to live as God's workmanship
July 22: Brittany arrives at DFW; Pray for the transition home, gratitude for the trip and continued spiritual growth
Cody: pray for reflection, prayer and fellowship as a team
July 23: Cody departs for DFW; Pray for safe and easy travel and spiritual rest
July 24: Cody arrives at DFW; Pray for the transition home, gratitude for the trip and continued spiritual growth