Our Sweet Campbell Grace,
Tomorrow you will be one month old. One month ago you came into the world and changed our lives forever. One month ago, the doctor put you on my chest and our eyes met for the first time. One month ago, you turned us into parents and a whole new adventure began.
The day you were born, your Daddy and I learned a lot more about love than we thought we could. Because of you, we better understand how our Savior loves us, and loves you. We are so grateful that He has entrusted us with you. I have to admit, it makes me slightly terrified to think about raising you. Over the last 10 months, we have prayed for you; for your health, for your salvation, for your life. And we have also prayed for us; we've prayed that we will consistently point you toward the Cross; we've prayed that your Daddy and I will know how to instill value in you that isn't measured by the standards of the world; we've prayed that God will guide and direct our steps each and everyday, and that we will never count you as solely ours, but always as God's child that He has entrusted to us for a time.
We will let you down sometimes, Campbell, but I pray that you will never doubt our love for you, and more importantly, that you will always know of the Father's great, extravagant love for you.
You smiled at your Daddy for the first time yesterday, and I got to watch you fall in love a little with the first man in your life. Cam, don't ever forget how much your Daddy loves you. You are so lucky to have him as your Dad; he's the best there is out there, and you and I are both the luckiest girls in the world to have him. He's crazy about you. Don't ever forget that.
We count ourselves as the richest people in the world because of you. You have already brought us so much joy, and we are so blessed to have you, Campbell Grace. Even in just one month, we have loved watching you grow. We have loved
getting to know you and getting to know ourselves and each other better
because of our adventures with you. We can't wait to get to know you better, and I am so lucky to have a front row seat to your life, beautiful girl. I love you with my whole heart, and I always will. High five to surviving one month together, my peanut. We can do this.
Love, Mommy